Wúxia Dárdünah Combat

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    • Wúxia Dárdünah Combat

      I am starting a Blog devoted to Wire-Fu genre martial arts in Shard. My greatest creation so far, the HEAVEN'S SWORD STYLE allready appears in the Magic and Martial Arts book soon to be released. It features such classics of the Wúxia genre as maneuvers that allow your character to run on treetops or water, leap from the ground to the top of a 3 story building, strike a foe with your sword from across a distance without crossing the intervening gap by projecting 'cutting energy' and other anime and martial arts film classics. PLease come by my blog and see if you like it. It's at wuxiaheroesofdardunah.blogspot.com/ Whether you do or not, it would be cool if you were to take a second to post a reply to this post so I could get some opinions and change and adjust the blog accordingly.
      "Daggra" means "Enemy" in Tibetan.
      "Chora" means "Thief" in Sanskrit.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Ghorüm ().

    • RE: Wúxia Dárdünah Combat

      For folks who love the more mystic aspects of "Kung-fu Action Theater" as displayed in some of the more effects-laden, crazy-wire-works Chinese films, this is a great site that has been put together with obvious love...

      As Ghorüm mentions on the blog-site itself, though the special maneuvers and stances he offers there are not to be considered "canon" (officially recognized as part of the currently published rules), they are certainly a set of interesting add-ons that might enhance the game for those who want to incude tailor-made powers and abilities as part of the basic set of martial arts rules now available in the Basic Compendium...especially if you are tying to make them more closely mirror the fantastical world of "magical martial arts"...

      Just as Ghorüm says, we are even now working on content and editing for the Magic and Martial Arts book, which we hope to have done by the end of this year, and which will contain numerous Martial Styles that expand upon the basic combat rules in ways that are very similar to what is described on the Wuxia Dárdünah Combat blog. These Styles deal primarily with the various types of maneuvers associated with them (listed along with those standard maneuvers as seen on a special Maneuver Location Table made for each Style), along with sets of dramatically-named bundled maneuvers (called Mulit-Maneuvers) quite similar to the Stances and Techniques found in the blog. Such data, along with a fictional description and brief history of each style, will eventually be included in the book, even for styles not necessarily based on Essence.

      Though the Martial Style Ghorüm created (Heaven's Sword) won't be available on the blog till after the Magic and Martial Arts book is released (or at east until that particular Style gets properly edited and reformatted), for now you can check out everything Ghorüm's done on this wonderful blog, and get a fun taste of things to come!

      Scottie ^^