Crystal Types & Their Effects on the Landscape & Story

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    • More crystals!

      With so much talk in this area about Dárdüni crystals, I thought it might be nice to go ahead and show you guys what we have already, as far as what may eventually come out in the World Guide!

      Here's the un-edited chapter on crystals! (some of which you've already seen as a few earlier PDF snippets...)

      This is by no means a complete and exhaustive selection, and by the time we publish there may be even more kinds listed. And certainly any wording you see here will have been edited by then, and may possibly contain even more information for you to use!...

      But for what it is,...enjoy!

      Scottie ^^
      • Crystals.pdf

        (2.32 MB, downloaded 366 times, last: )
    • I wouldn't allow a single troubadour Janah to buff the song-stone crystal weapons of allies as it promotes power gaming. Imagine one character with the sole function of standing out of harms way and just belting out songs. Otherwise a single troubadour could easily add3-5 Action Dice to everybody's attack skill rolls.

      Activating the stone requires a combat action and a dice roll so no freebies.


    • Woah Scotty, that's sooo awesome. :D
      Thanks for posting this. <3
      Cool to see a few new crystal types and even some we unknowingly mused about. :D

      I'm curious if you are going to add some more to that list! :)

      Originally posted by ReaperWolf
      I wouldn't allow a single troubadour Janah to buff the song-stone crystal weapons of allies as it promotes power gaming. Imagine one character with the sole function of standing out of harms way and just belting out songs. Otherwise a single troubadour could easily add3-5 Action Dice to everybody's attack skill rolls.

      Personally, depending on the scenario I could probably see myself allowing it.
      If a group makes up strategies like these, it's just admirable and awesome!
      Also, the news about their little trick would travel fast, and not too long and someone might try to cut that bards tongue out. :V

      Also imagine now if he fumbled. The whole team's weapons explode.
      I know it's supposedly an unlikely scenario, but I swear, sometimes fumbles just happen in the darndest situations!

      Speaking about bards, I had a funny idea for an echantment today, I'll post it in the respective thread.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sherbie ().

    • I would tell you what the crystal in my personal campaign is doing... I think the players would be able to read this and use this insider knowle...
      OK it's to much tempting:

      The Black Crystal
      The black crystal is one of the most unusual types of crystals, even scholars and crystal carvers don't really know of it's existence, it's more of an ancient legend and the powers of the crystal aren't yet really known by the Janah - simply because of it's rareness.
      It appears as a floating black crystal, with white aura.
      A black crystal is usualy crafted only once per lifetime, it's creation needs 40 years by the person who is gonna use it. It is crafted from strong, ritual, red crystals, mined in the deepest depths in one of the glass volcanos for the Khunamani Mountains. Since the crystal is known as one of the hardest materials on Dardunah, only tools from that same material can shape it. The 40 years of creation of the crystal include: shapeing, meditation, essence transfer and soul sacrifice... which is sacrificing hundreds of Janah in order to transfer their soul essence in the crystal, killing the victims with the knife that is used to shape the crystal...
      What does it do:
      The black crystal provides the creator nearly immortality... during the essence transfer the creator stores his mind, spirit and powers within the crystal... but that doesn't weak him in life, it doesn't split his powers in half... during the ritual sacrifices he creates some kind of a second soul, which thanks to the rituals of essence transfer becomes his second, immortal spirit... for the moment of creation he becomes more and more bound to the crystal... he lives extremely longer, but can be slain... after the death of his mortal body, the mind and soul in the crystal live live forever. You might think it is a endless prison... it isn't... the creator can transfer his soul from the crystal to a body that touches the crystal... but only a person with a strong spirit and allowing to do it, can provide the body... If that happens the person who gain the soul from the crystal gains also the powers, knowledge, but also the second personality (so yeah it could look like schizophrenia).
      What could stop it:
      The crystal can be destroyed by stabing it with the knife that it was carved - it's the only tool strong enough to make a scratch on the crystal... the only prerreqisite is to be able to touch the crystal - since the creators mind can stop persons to touch it by influcting pain through the dream realm.
      After the soul from the crystal is transfered to another body, the crystal lost it's aura, and can't be used to keep his soul again.

      Well... that's the main quest object from my campaign - hope it is some inspiration for you ^^