The Spiral Arena spiral

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    • The Spiral Arena spiral

      While I was at Origins last weekend, I picked up some Splintered Light minis of fightin' crocs, rats, and a few others, and a nice little gladiatorial arena. I have a friend who's very talented at painting minis (me not so much!), and I would like him to paint the arena with the spiral design on the floor. The main book gives you a hint of what it looks like on the cover, but is there a better picture somewhere? Even a description would help! For example, from the cover it looks like there is a central circle with radiating arms. How many arms? Or is it different depending on who lays out the design?

      I put a pastry shaped like the spiral in my game -- vendors sell them during public festivals where there are lots of challenges in the arena. I figure it would be something deep-fried, because that's what you want when you're on vacation!
    • RE: The Spiral Arena spiral

      The designs for the spiral arena can vary greatly from region to region, but in general it is some version of a triskelion. There are photos online somewhere of a six-sided triskelion that I particularly like (I believe it was a crop circle in England). Look at images of triskelions online and you'll get all kinds of great ideas, especially those that are used for jewelry and pendants.

      Hope that helps!

    • Oh, I do sometimes wish that I was more talented in artistic design!

      After reading over this thread I suddenly wanted to create a few different designs to use.

      For Paksin cities, triskelions consisting of bird heads or wings.
      For Vajrah cities, the heads of Kramah, Krilarah, or other Devah.
      For Sarpah cities, the heads (and possibly tails) of snakes.
      For mixed cities, one head each to represent all three Jenu.

      If only I were better at drawing. :P
    • RE: The Spiral Arena spiral

      I love the idea of spiral-shaped pastries sold by vendors near an arena... Being a former pastry chef, that immediately made me want to try to bake some (and, of course, eat them)...

      Here I've included a JPG image of what a very simply crimson sand Holy Spiral might look like, if laid out in the most basic of arena settings... As Aaron said, they could often get MUCH more complex and intricate as various other symbols and illustrations were added, but this is about the simplest triskelion you can get (and the basis for several of the ones you've seen in the art so far)...

      Scottie ^^
      • Holy Spiral.jpg

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