Shard Community Forum
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Welcome to SHARD
Welcome to the SHARD RPG Community Forum! If you've joined us from our main page at, then you may already know a fair bit about our game. SHARD RPG is a paper role-playing game set in a unique fantasy world. Feel free to browse our forum here, ask questions, and interact with the game’s creators, past players, and other new forum members! Create a Thread for yourself here with your Forum name and tell us a little bit about who you are, what got you interested in SHARD and the world of Dárdünah, and other information that lets the rest of us know just who IS the person behind all of your comments, input, and ideas!
- Threads
- 76
- Posts
- 367
Forum Rules
Here's where we lay out how we'd like the members of this little community to treat one another with their words and deeds.
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- 1
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- 4
News and Announcements
The latest general news about the SHARD RPG and other related products and events, plus special announcements pertaining to our company Shard Studios.
- Threads
- 53
- Posts
- 382
Information and specific discussions pertaining to the various events we are currently attending or planning to attend, as well as updates and reports from past events.
- Threads
- 36
- Posts
- 251
Free Downloads
This is where you can download some of the free PDFs and images we're offering as fun and helpful elements of the SHARD RPG! Though some of these items may be included as part of our other publications, we’re including them here also to make jumping into the world of Dárdünah even easier! Here, also, you may have the chance to get sneak peeks at bits and pieces of usable material from upcoming products such as new individual Animal Templates, mini-adventures, new beasts for the game, etc.
- Threads
- 23
- Posts
- 177
General Discussion
Discussions about the game, our company, and other general SHARD-related hoo-hah! Feel free to ask questions and give general input here. We'll do our best to check regularly and respond, as we are able.
- Threads
- 58
- Posts
- 370
Basic Compendium Discussion
Discussions specific to what can be found in the Basic Compendium (available everywhere June 2009), our initial book containing all the core rules for our game. Here players are encouraged to discuss Shard RPG rules, ask Glossary or Bestiary questions, note any discovered errata we should correct or clarify here, etc.
- Threads
- 33
- Posts
- 235
SHARD Combat
Threads pertaining specifically to questions, ideas, and other interests in SHARD’s martial arts-based combat system as well as any other aspects of battle, damage, healing, and related topics within the system.
- Threads
- 33
- Posts
- 190
Threads discussing the ritual magic system of the SHARD RPG, including further details, additional rules questions and clarifications, and ideas that expand upon the offered essentials.
- Threads
- 14
- Posts
- 88
World of Dárdünah
Threads discussing the history, mythology, and the unique cultures and countries of Dárdünah including; questions and clarifications, discovered errata, new fiction ideas, etc.
- Threads
- 103
- Posts
- 630
Future Products
Discussions and threads pertaining to new SHARD products planned by us for eventual release as well as suggestions and ideas for product ideas that our devotees may hope to one day see us make! These could be supplement ideas, ancillary products relating to the game, playing aids, etc.
- Threads
- 23
- Posts
- 201
Surveys and Polls
A place where Shard Studios will post surveys on a range of subjects, including upcoming products ideas, rules changes, edits to future editions, and other general questions we’d like to get your opinion about (threads here are created and maintained by Shard Studios exclusively, to get responses from fans, players, and GMs worldwide).
- Threads
- 1
- Posts
- 51
Inspirational Art and Fiction
A place to post SHARD-inspired art and fiction you’ve made yourself or other works of art and literature you may have found that inspire thoughts of our world. (Please respect the works of other artists and writers by either linking to their work, giving them direct credit for their work, or placing examples of it here with their general permission. Additionally, please also respect other Forum Goers by abiding to the rules as presented in the Forum Rules section pertaining to acceptable subject matter and content.)
- Threads
- 48
- Posts
- 286
Campaign Discussions
Share and discuss your own take on the world as it develops within your campaigns! Link to your own SHARD RPG game group’s website! Let others players and GMs in on your unique gaming ideas!
- Threads
- 31
- Posts
- 168
Player Locator
Help fellow fans of SHARD and the world of Dárdünah find one another by letting others know where you are and how to privately contact you. There may be others in your own hometown (or a town nearby) looking for a good group to game with. And just knowing where to look is a great way to get those groups started!
- Threads
- 24
- Posts
- 91
Company Questions
Ask us specific questions here about the Shard Studios LLC and other business-related information, such as our publisher, our printer, and other companies with whom we deal.
- Threads
- 3
- Posts
- 21
Online Store/Cafe Press Questions
Inquiries about purchasing our products online, problems and clarifications with our Online Store or Café Press page, and any other online product issues should be directed here.
- Threads
- 3
- Posts
- 28
Off-Topic Discussions
Do you have a rant, a rave, or a general desire to discuss a topic or ask a question that may have nothing at all to do with SHARD or the world of Dárdünah? Feel free to start a thread here!
- Threads
- 32
- Posts
- 152
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