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That's a great question! Janah with antlers would go through the whole antler growth cycles from shedding to growing velveted antlers, to the messy, even gory shedding of that velvet to the shedding again. There are fun story opportunities there. Deer don't always shed both antlers at the same time so there's the whole embarrassment and annoyance of only having one antler for a week or two. In areas where cervid type jenu are not common, someone might confuse a male who recently shed his antlers…
This is the dreaded skypirate, Korsan. He is captain of the Crimson Sarkarkásh. He actually lives a double life. His Sunborn friends and family know him under the name Kasmir and believe he is merely traveling with merchants, finding new markets and exotic goods. He always comes home rich. Any injuries such as the scars on his nose or his eye are explained away as the actions of pirates. He always returns home and is a loving husband and father. Among pirates it is known that Korsan show no merc…
PostAn illustration for one of the NPCs in a game I've been running.
PostHowdy there! By the name, I'm guessing you're a fellow Texan. (Or perhaps like to cook Texans?) Regardless, welcome to the forum. We quite appreciate you being a fan and look forward to interacting with you whether its questions about the game system, lore of the game, or other game related concepts. We'd be glad to hear your thoughts relating to Shard. How did you discover the game? Have you had a chance to play? Thank you for signing up and saying howdy.
Hello all!
PostQuote from SilverboltPegasus: “Hello all, I first heard of this game from a friend of mine in a Pathfinder group a few months ago. I took a look at the website but had no idea where to begin! Thankfully, I was able to participate in a few demos at ACFI 2019 and now have some ideas of where to go with it. I'd like to give a shoutout to Crocuta and Scott Jones for telling me about this game and allowing me to participate in a demo or two! ” How there, Silverbolt. It was great to have met you at AC…
PostI am completely inspired to make a character based on the looks and behavior of this cute French Bulldog named Walter. I think he has quite a set of pipes so why not make an traveling musician? I'll call him Wáltür. Imagine this fellow singing for his supper. He'd charm everyone he meets.
Quote from Teenage Mutant Sarpah: “Good thing I'm an obsessive compulsive checker of my favorite websites or who knows how many spams this guy might have posted, may I propose a specific Devah of watching the Forum to guard against Spam Demons? I shall name her YouTuba her primary form is that of a Munchkin Cat with an irritated expression seen holding a large hammer for smashing Spam Demons ” Thank you for letting us know about the spambot. Very appreciated.
Greetings, Hyboran. I hope your time in the furry fandom has been a positive one. It is great to hear you're getting back into RPGs. What have been some of your favorites in the past? If you'd like a feel for the rules to the Shard RPG, you should go to and download the welcome booklet. Also check out the free downloads section of the forum for some free modules. Glad to have you here. Please feel free to post that photo of yourself with the lion and fox on the forum. We would all l…
Quote from SunderedShadow: “I also found out about the game at FC this year, had a very enjoyable session with everyone before I picked up the books myself. ” Welcome to the forum. Your bone dice were quite nice and that was neat to learn about dice having been worn on a necklace. Made complete sense. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Quote from Zlatohrbitek: “Hello! I'm Zlatohrbitek, an attendee of Further Confusion 2019 who learned about Shard yesterday from the Dealer's Den at Further Confusion. My partner Tserisa and I were immediately impressed enough by the mechanics, the gorgeous art, and the representatives of the game at the table to buy the two core books right away and sign up for a playtest last night. ” Hello there, Zlatohrbitek! I'm the fellow that commented on your badge drawn by Summer Jackel. It was great mee…
Quote from Teenage Mutant Sarpah: “I finally got Magic and Martial Arts and the thing I'm most grateful about is finally being able to read every Janah Template although I skipped over a few in my initial reading...Probably because I was hungry (I went to Dennys so I could have aplace to read without listening to my family's chatter but I didn't have any money to spend so all I could get was a glass of water) ” Congratulations on getting the book. If you have any questions about all those animal…
Talons of Kramah
PostQuote from Teenage Mutant Sarpah: “Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures ” What did you see that inspired you?
Talons of Kramah
PostQuote from Teenage Mutant Sarpah: “Just visited the California Science Center today to see the limited time Egypt exhibit and boy howdy did that get me thinking about Dardunah and its History and Lore Thinking about the Talons of Kramah I feel particularly wanting to know more about them as individuals ” What did you see in the exhibit that made you think of Shard? Did you take any photos of the things that inspired you? If so, there's a section of the forum that's perfect for sharing inspiratio…
Quote from Teenage Mutant Sarpah: “Really begins to feel like I'm the only one who has questions here...What other Jenu Guesses can I make, Beavers are Industrious and Camels/Llamas probably have the Short Tempered/Brusque Manner Drawback those are no brainers... What kind of stereotype would Roadrunners or Woodpeckers have in Dardunah? ” Woodpeckers are tenacious. Some say they're even hardheaded. Roadrunners are known for having a preference for walking that puts them beneath many other Paksin…