The various threads in this area contain numerous printable game aids and even a downloadable mini-program that lets you randomly create names for the SHARD RPG!
We give you permission to print any of these sheets for your own private use, as long as they are not sold for profit. Many of these are to be found in the Convenience Pack (at a much lesser cost than printing or photocopying them all yourself), but feel free to print these out individually as the need arises.
Please check back with us from time to time to see what new and useful sheets and programs we may put up for your convenience!
We give you permission to print any of these sheets for your own private use, as long as they are not sold for profit. Many of these are to be found in the Convenience Pack (at a much lesser cost than printing or photocopying them all yourself), but feel free to print these out individually as the need arises.
Please check back with us from time to time to see what new and useful sheets and programs we may put up for your convenience!