Announcement The "World Guide" has been printed and is on its way!

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    • The "World Guide" has been printed and is on its way!

      The final core book for Shard has been completed in all its 452-page glory, the printing has been finished, and the books are on their way here! They'll be arriving just in time for folks at Gen Con to pick theirs up early, and then they'll become available to purchase from either our website, from Studio 2 Publishing, or from Amazon shortly after that, most likely by the 10th of August! We are so very proud of this particular accomplishment, because it represents what seemed to be a near-impossible task at one point in its production. Looking at the final product (we got a few early copies for approval), we are amazed that SO MUCH creatively cool content came from our little group of contributors. It just doesn't seem real! I will forever be thankful for those that stuck with me through this process and contributed their time, the hard work, and their incredibly creativity and inspiration...
    • Devah Dancer wrote:

      I am so crazy excited to hear this! This is definitely going to be one of my 1st stops in the Exhibit Hall at Gen Con. Do you have a price estimation so I can factor the world guide into my Gen Con budget? Thank you again so much!
      Hey there!!! I'm so sorry I didn't end up seeing this before Gen Con!!!! I feel like a total goober!!! That last month before we left for the show was so hectic that I could barely pull myself out of my tasks to even look at the forums, and when I just recently did I discovered that a series of unfortunate events had caused me to lose my password and fail to get in here to handle things until just now! Ugh! Please forgive me!

      Because I don't always place faces with these names here on the Forum, were you able to come by our booth and get what you needed after all? If not you can luckily now order the "World Guide" directly from our publisher at this link!…os=1&_sid=38c7c2893&_ss=r
    • Scott Jones wrote:

      If you'd like to order it directly from our publisher, just use this link!
      I did order it directly from the publisher. It arrived very quickly, well-packaged, and in good condition. It's taken me a few weeks to go through it.

      Amazing! This is a massive tome with a dense, four-page TOC. It is definitely the thickest RPG book on my bookshelf. The amount of information in this book is difficult to believe. The level of detail presented on Dárdünah almost makes me think it is a real place you lived in for decades. What incredible creativity and perseverance it must have taken to produce this book. And it is just loaded with beautiful artwork.

      I've been playing RPGs for over 40 years. The Shard World Guide is one of the greatest RPG books ever made. I am truly impressed. Thank you.
    • Whill wrote:

      Scott Jones wrote:

      If you'd like to order it directly from our publisher, just use this link!
      I did order it directly from the publisher. It arrived very quickly, well-packaged, and in good condition. It's taken me a few weeks to go through it.
      Amazing! This is a massive tome with a dense, four-page TOC. It is definitely the thickest RPG book on my bookshelf. The amount of information in this book is difficult to believe. The level of detail presented on Dárdünah almost makes me think it is a real place you lived in for decades. What incredible creativity and perseverance it must have taken to produce this book. And it is just loaded with beautiful artwork.

      I've been playing RPGs for over 40 years. The Shard World Guide is one of the greatest RPG books ever made. I am truly impressed. Thank you.
      Wow!!! That is wonderfully high praise from you Whill!!! I'm so sorry I've been so busy recently that I missed your comment here! Thanks SO much for supporting our game these many years! I'm really happy that you're enjoying it! We poured so much love into it, and we're delighted that folks seem to be really getting into it! Thanks again! As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to post them here, and one of us will get to it as quickly as we can!
    • Teenage Mutant Sarpah wrote:

      One thing I thought about in regards to the plants of Dardunah while as mentioned in the Farming section there are vegetables analagous to the ones we have on Earth, the mention of 'almond stuffed pastries' in Nilam's culture section got me thinking, did some Earth plants also come to Dardunah? You know as food for the zoo animals?
      That could very well be possible, if you like the idea of specific Earth plants being in your campaign, and/or have story ideas based on that concept you think would be fun for you to pursue for your players... Based on our existing fiction that we've made public in the text of the books it's apparent that only organic materials seem to have "appeared" upon the surface of Dárdünah (in the form of the first jánah) when the ship of the Great Mother and Father pierced the Veils of Dream to emerge into Shard's universe... Perhaps some native plants and other organics kept in the animal enclosures aboard the vessel "made their way" to Dárdünah's surface in that same strange "event"...
    • Scott Jones wrote:

      Whill wrote:

      Scott Jones wrote:

      If you'd like to order it directly from our publisher, just use this link!
      I did order it directly from the publisher. It arrived very quickly, well-packaged, and in good condition. It's taken me a few weeks to go through it.

      Amazing! This is a massive tome with a dense, four-page TOC. It is definitely the thickest RPG book on my bookshelf. The amount of information in this book is difficult to believe. The level of detail presented on Dárdünah almost makes me think it is a real place you lived in for decades. What incredible creativity and perseverance it must have taken to produce this book. And it is just loaded with beautiful artwork.

      I've been playing RPGs for over 40 years. The Shard World Guide is one of the greatest RPG books ever made. I am truly impressed. Thank you.
      Wow!!! That is wonderfully high praise from you Whill!!! I'm so sorry I've been so busy recently that I missed your comment here! Thanks SO much for supporting our game these many years! I'm really happy that you're enjoying it! We poured so much love into it, and we're delighted that folks seem to be really getting into it! Thanks again! As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to post them here, and one of us will get to it as quickly as we can!
      I posted a version of this short review on the Drive-Thru RPG page for the book.