The World on First and the Magick and Martial Arts after that. In fact I wish to read both !
Next Shard Supplement
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Number 1. Definitely number 1!
either one would be fine as I will buy both. If they come out as hard back all the better.
Given a choice I would prefer the world guide first. The animal templates are more important to me than extra rules for martial arts"One without crystal is without life" -
Has a decision been taken on that one yet? Put me in the group hich will buy both, but despite the huge appeal of extra animal templates, I'd rather get the World Guide first
I'm used to worlds with a dense setting like L5R, so I'd like to see what shard has to offer in terms of countries, personalities and the like!
Due to a variety of factors, we decided to publish the "Magic & Martial Arts Guide" next. It is currently being written, edited, and laid out with a goal of making it available for the 2010 holiday season. The additional Animal Templates will be included in this book. We have some wonderful collaborators, both writers and artists, whose talents are helping make the M&MMG a wonderful product.
-Aaron -
well i guess I know what my next rpg book will be then."One without crystal is without life"
Originally posted by Aaron de Orive
Due to a variety of factors, we decided to publish the "Magic & Martial Arts Guide" next. It is currently being written, edited, and laid out with a goal of making it available for the 2010 holiday season. The additional Animal Templates will be included in this book. We have some wonderful collaborators, both writers and artists, whose talents are helping make the M&MMG a wonderful product.
Thank you! May I please be put on a list to get an e-mail when this is first available or for order? You can use the e-mail address I am registered to this site with. Thanks!
I will probably ask my wife for this for the Winter Solstice holiday. Yo Saturnalia! -
Will do!
We'll let you know as soon as it's ready Whill!
Scottie -
That is excellent news! I can't wait to get my hands on it!-JFC Wolz
Oooh! Will this be Available during Gen-Con? Would be really nice (not to mention convenient)
Sadly, We're in the middle of editing it right now, and we're hoping to have it done by the end of the year,...but it'll take a bit more time than that to get it printed and then shipped out... (often two to three months)...
Scottie -
Awww... Well, I guess that either means more money saved, or more spending money for impulse buys then... But was really hoping for the new book.
Ehn... I'll get it when I get it then. Still lookin' forward to coming by the booth and talkin' with you guys in person again, and playing a bit of those demos and the like, always fun :D. -
Random note: gven it seems like it will include Martial Arrs, magic and new species, why note just name it the Advanced Companion or something like that?
Originally posted by Daigotsu Max
Random note: gven it seems like it will include Martial Arrs, magic and new species, why note just name it the Advanced Companion or something like that?
Well,...the additional Animal Templates are merely an add-on to the book... The primary components remain the magic and martial arts....
Scottie -
yet when you get the world compendium let it have maps of the lands and sort of how the manual of the planes book in dnd describe each plane and enemy charts and even weather patterns type thing.
as well maybe a random area generator like chart to build random stuff like as far as i understood in the welcome booklet the shards people land on are fully seperated like cant get one spike to the next or somthing yet let the random area and pattern roll chart create areas of those shards that one could live on and be like he random demographfics and religion chart style in DMG that can make town size how much money and stuff like that. and make its terraine chart and stuff like that and what kind of races live on that shard. [probly use this idea for the world one which as far as read martial arts won out.The post was edited 1 time, last by xaton ().
Those are some great ideas xaton! We seem to be on the same page concerning a lot of what we intend to include in the World Guide...
In that book we'll be dealing with general descriptions of the various countries, a number of more detailed regional and city maps, sections on society, politics, and religion, as well as countries and cultures, a section dealing with trade and money, a whole section on new monsters and methods of creating your own, a chapter on crystals of various uses and powers, a whole bit talking about medicines, diseases, and poisons,...and much, much more!
That's the next thing we'll begin editing after we finally get the Magic and Martial Arts book finished...
Wish us luck!
Scottie -
Will it be at GenCon?-JFC Wolz
Hey Joe!!!
Sadly not this year... Having just finished a grueling, year long contract stint at a local computer-gaming company, I am just now sitting back down for the next three months to concentrate fully on trying to finish my part of the Magic and Martial Arts book....
After that, it gets passed back over to Aaron for his edits and input, and then it comes back to me again for final layout, art inclusion, and indexing work...
At this point, the best I can say is "it'll get done as soon as we can finish it"...
Whew!! Please forgive us our delays, but we gotta keep food on the table, and as passionate as we are about SHARD, sometimes it has to take a back seat to the daily grind...
Wish us luck!
Scottie -
Originally posted by Scott Jones
At this point, the best I can say is "it'll get done as soon as we can finish it"...
Whew!! Please forgive us our delays, but we gotta keep food on the table, and as passionate as we are about SHARD, sometimes it has to take a back seat to the daily grind...
Wish us luck!
Good luck! -
Personally I would love to see more on the world it's self because I think that it would be more fun to know the custom and religious rituals. Why would my Otter strive to understand this so that she could cook for the higher cast? I also like that you want to do more on the martial arts and fighting. I think that both are great idea and I would buy them both but the first one I think I would get more out of
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