Jasher Redux

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    • Jasher Redux

      Ok so I am finaly going to get a chance to play Jasher, a Klin mystic (for more details view here) and I lost his sheet. DOH! My sister loaned out her compendium. Cool this just gave me an excuse to download the PDF compendium and load it on my Ipad. So I am going to be asking a few questions, starting with these.
      That said I am going over everything and I realised something. When I first built Jasher I built him I focused so heavily on his magic skills that he had just a few ranks in the melee skill and an amber rascel beater. I honestly couldn't think of a good weapon for "The Avatar of Divorcement" so I chose something that he would be able to protect himself with, but not look overtly armed.

      So the first question becomes as effectively an exciled prince, should he have a crystal sword? Or better yet a concealed crystal sword? Do they make concealed weapons on this world? It seems to me that there is no law against carrying an overt weapon in public in most places as crystal weapons are seen as almost spirtual, but he is an outcast and thus on the lowest rungs of society.

      Secondly would Martial arts or melee fighting best reprsent the courtly dueling he would have learned before his excile?
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.
    • RE: Jasher Redux

      I think a crystal weapon would be fine, and fitting someone who once was in a high position. A nice pair of crystal daggers sound really nice and they could be use while in flight to make slashing attacks as you swooped past an opponent.

      Martial Arts would reflect courtly dueling better, but if you concentrated on magic, perhaps you only learned Melee Weapons Skill (which could also simulate courtly dueling). Martial Arts lets you use all the cool maneuvers in the Hit Location Table, however, at no minuses. So I'd for for that. :)

      Keep us updated on your adventures.

    • RE: Jasher Redux

      Thanks for the weapons advice. The Daggers do sound good. It's tough at the tallented level to create a "mystic Princeling" type character. So many skills need to be purchased to simulate having lived a life in the courts.

      We will definatly let you know how things go.
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.
    • Ok, my next question comes from the finalized form of the Demonhost drawback (a take on Demonplagued that I set up).
      Basicly I set it up to work like this. Anytime he recieves help from the demon it has the chance to sap his will. When his will reaches 0 she can take possession of him. At any time the demon feels it might when a fight between them it will attempt to take possesion of the host.
      Will is sapped as such when ever the demon gives assistance (even against the hosts wishes) it follows the contact rules as normal and must be chosen as a contact. This aid can come in the form of knoweledge, assisting in mystic combat on the dream time, assisting a mystic ritual. If this is done against the will of the host it is done at -1 dice. Without consent but not against the hosts will +0 dice (ie the demon offers help and the character takes it even if it is grudingly), and if the host asks for the demons help and it is given at +1 dice. After the effects are resolved a contested roll between the number of sucessful assists vs hosts will are rolled. IF the demon wins subtract rank of will but not it's cost, as this will loss can be healed over time at the standard rate for ability point recovery. The demon may attempt to gain possession before the host reaches 0 will by fighting the host. Such a fight will not kill the character but can trap knock him out, or trap him. The demon may only try this if the hosts will drops below 50% of what it would be normaly given it's cost.

      Construct the demon as normal per the demon plagued rules, but the demon can not manifest physicaly, only on the dreamtime and within the hosts own mind, as they share the same body. While in possession of the body the demon uses the characters base Strength, Vigor, Agility, and Dexerity but it's own Essence, Perception, wit, will, and Presence.

      Select one of the following motivators for the demon this will determine it's actions while in control of the body.
      Hedionist - the Demon is motivated by carnal pleasure and wants to experiance every form of pleasure that can be offered, including the darker ones. The demon will unless threatened temporarily abandon quests, jobs, and duties to seek out rich foods, brothels, and any form of pleasure it can find.
      Enemy - The demon has the enemy drawback. This demon has another equaly powerful demon as it's nemisis. Demon minions of it's enemy can and may attack, either threw physical manifestation or any method known to demon kind. The demon when in control of the body will seek out occult lore and side track from any quest, mission, or job to discover a means to imprision, banish, destroy, or in any way rid it's self of it's nemmisis.
      Agression - This demon is motivated by it's need to fight, subdue, break the will of others, and crush the hosts enemy under it's feat and listen to the weeping of their women while it's doing that.
      Doteing - This demon is in love, has a familia bond, or is bound to the host. This demon will do everything it can for the host because it loves their host like it was their child, mother, best friend, host organism. The demon wants to keep the host alive and healthy and may nag about stress levels, not takeing care of the hosts needs. when in possession of the body the demon will withdraw from combat seeing it as too big a risk to the host, and will try to change everything in the hosts life while it has control to better fit it's desires for the host. Including removing (by any means the GM thinks would make for a good story) a spouce or concubine it doesn't like.

      While they are possessed the character acts as the demon's contact lending power as the character sees fit. The character can lend a number of dice equal to their linked attribute. After the results are determined the Character then makes a roll using the number of sucesses vs the Demon's will. If the roll suceeds the character recovers 1 point of will. If the character has at least 1 rank of will the character may attempt to regain control of the body by fighting the demon in their mind. Use the rules for a battle in the dream time. This is similar to if the demon wanted to gain possession of the host before the host reached will 0.

      Jez'Real (Jasher's demon) is a 9 point Drawback. She can offer help often(base 6) and thus has many opertunites to drain his will, and is more powerful than Jasher(+3). She was also bought as a 9 point contact.

      Does this seem fair and balanced?
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.
    • Personally, I think it could work when being possessed by a ghost or itty-bitty lesser demon.
      Having to struggle over control of the body so dearly when the little fleshlings obviously gains quite a lot from this relationship doesn't sound fair... towards the demon!

      Demons are powerful beings of most eldritch origin.
      If someone were to drain from their vile and tremendous powers, there bloody well be a lot of perks for a demon!

      Here's how I would handle it:
      Instead of contesting the demon's wishes the host HAS to fulfill these needs eventually to ensure it's allegiance.
      Failure to comply with these needs within a narrow timeframe will lead to dumped stats (similar to your idea of WILL damage), punishment, possessions (I'll just get what I need myself!) and eventually (when the demon gets tired of this) abandonment or death.

      Utilising the demon's power and failing the roll does not drain will, but SANITY (Yay Call of Cthulu!).

      At the beginning of the game you calculate your starting SANITY like this:
      Take the highest stat, either WILL, ESSENCE or PRESENCE and multiply it by 5.

      You can replenish sanity by medical attention, drugs and therapeutic experiences (just talking about it, doing a good thing and knowing it, loving, being loved, etc.)

      Having only half your sanity will leave you temporarily insane. This sanity will eventual subside if sanity doesn't take any more hits.
      Should your sanity reach zero, you are pretty much permanently insane.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Sherbie ().

    • Sherbie: Althought that sounds good. That is definatly worth a few more points of drawback. The version you presented I would call a high to legandary teir version. Mine was created with lower and middle teirs in mind.

      Of course at the cost your presenting my character better be able to use the demon's special attacks, and have more acessess to it's abilities.

      Aaron: Now imagine the Enemy NPC, Big Bad End Boss, who can call upon a demon symbote to enhance his martial arts, duel dance, evade, and combat related rolls and the look on the players faces when he does that.
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.
    • Originally posted by HereticalGM
      Sherbie: Althought that sounds good. That is definatly worth a few more points of drawback. The version you presented I would call a high to legandary teir version. Mine was created with lower and middle teirs in mind.

      I think it depends on what the demon's needs encompass...

      On high levels, things could get pretty freaky, yes... xD
      Weekly bloody rituals, wars, gigantic orgies to keep your demon in check and it's power flowing...

      But a lesser demon can probably be satisfied easier, in turn it can only supply you with a smaller buff.

      So your character spirals down the drain of greed trying to maintain his/her ghastly powers, growing madder each time at the sight of these unholy deeds that have been bestowed upon him/her.

      Mind that I haven't really said anything about how the buffs would actually work, so I'm sure it could be pretty balanced I guess.
      I just noticed that your system implies that the host has power over the demon (and the demon slowly tries to overcome you) and not the other way around.

      Which makes them feel a little less dangerous, and more like an utility when in fact, they own YOUR ass.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sherbie ().

    • Originally posted by Scott Jones
      Using EITHER of these solutions to the idea offers all kinds of great possibilities for some really cool role-playing moments!

      Haha, we must have seemed like arguing children ;D

      Not sure if I'll have any chance to use either of those concepts in my current campaign! But I'll keep them in mind. :D

      Need more brainstorming threads like this, they're awesoooome
    • If I can weigh in, I'd like to agree for the most part with Sherbie. As a GM, my powergaming senses go off reading the initial proposal!
      It definitely does seem like the foul spirit is sort of a risky but powerful tool instead of a creature who is legitimately beyond your ken and eager to meddle in your world, cavorting about in your delicious mortalflesh, using your shell to suit its tastes.
      You seem to have to really, really abuse the power to actually risk having it conquer you - even though it can impose its influence of its own volition, it runs a penalty, and really how many times in a day are you going to be executing mystical tasks?
      It just seems a bit swingy - on one hand, battling against any other sorcerer is going to be almost a breeze with a demon at your back. On the other hand, if it DOES manage to enslave you to its will for a time, it seems likely that it'd either wreck your party (the powers of a demon with the body of a man!) by smashing their skulls, or being clever as demons are known to be, and waiting until they go to sleep, or force someone else to wreck you!
      After one or more such occasions, your party might want rid of you, or at least to cure your demon-bound condition, which should probably be possible and an eventuality if death does not catch you first!
    • Yes it is powerful boon, but the cost of that power is high. The more often it is used the more likely will drain is, the more likely the character is to be possessed. Since she is a "demon sorcereress" and has an enemy back home even more powerful than she is, well I think the party will be in trouble regaurdless.

      Not to mention reestablishing control will be hard because of how strong she will be. That and the character does not get to sap the demons will, he just recovers his a bit. It will all come down to the battle between them and who can get control.

      also remember the gm can also say that the demon with holds assistance at any time if the gm thinks it suits the demons wants, needs, or since of humor.
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.
    • This is ment to be one of those things that looks like a double edged sword but is actualy a Guitine with a slice of cheese cake in the basket so your victem puts themself in for you.

      In this case I the player am the victem.
      What I think I will do is post the Sheet, just so someone can check my math, then post the Demon/possession form. remember the player becomes possession forms Contact, and constant annoyance. Basicly fliping rolls with the demon.
      • Jasher.pdf

        (6.52 MB, downloaded 713 times, last: )
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by HereticalGM ().

    • From a gamist point of view, I can only advise doing things like raising your characteristics instead of, for instance, buying an extra rank in martial arts - it'd indeed be much more cost-effective to have an agility of 5, and perhaps a Perception or Will of 5 (to offset that DEMON a bit!), and make you more effective overall - though if this isn't a case of inexpert min/maxing, then by all means ignore it!

      Also personally as a GM I would have you buy anything containing even flecks of silver as an Asset, especially if it is pure! Worst case scenario, somebody could really make bank with something like that.
    • Thanks for the advice. I will do that because I did buy up a few skills. Mystic ritual being one, and raising attributes is cheaper at character creation. It was an attempt to not min/max with such a potent edge on my character I figured best not to give him too good of stats, so kinda like anti min/max.

      And yes that would be a worst case scenario they would have to cut it out of his flesh. So the poor sorcerer would probably be dead!
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.
    • Well, your character itself isn't that dangerous to play really, it depends on which of the demon-types you listed inhabits you (the difference between waking up drunk and with an itchy crotch in the gutter (Hedionist), very dead (Enemy/Agression) or in a warm cozy bed (Doteing)), but he has the potential to hog a lot of spotlight while constantly fighting his inner demon, so really keep a watch out for that. Especially if your teammates are all average joes it could be rather weird.

      Originally posted by DannyAlso personally as a GM I would have you buy anything containing even flecks of silver as an Asset, especially if it is pure! Worst case scenario, somebody could really make bank with something like that.

      I think an amber sigil with silver powder actually sounds pretty sweet and cool looking... it doesn't justify a hideous drawback, since it probably looks more like jewellry! Of course, if it was identified as demonic sigil it's very much NOT an asset.

      How about:
      Twisted bones are sticking from his chest, forcefully grappling around and grafting a stone sigil with an inset pieces of Shigur Akasiyah crystal forming symbols and mysterious writing to his chest.
      The holy influence of the crystal is what keeps the demon at bay, the crystal maybe even lights up (cheesy) when demonic energies are coursing through him.

      Also, I think that Hideous (Sigil) will (momentarily strong and temporarily slightly) affect your presence and interaction skills for a person that sees it.
      Also mind that they will tell others about it, until eventually someone identifies you as a host for a demon (this it where this drawback goes hand in hand with your social stigma).

      By the way, it would probably do your GM some good if you were to make another character sheet for your demon!
      Use it to describe her personality, abilities, backstory ("hails from the 3rd hellish house of Dranz'ga'dhul" blah blah) and different physical forms etc.
    • @Sherbie:
      Yeah she has Enemy and I have let the GM know. I chose Hideos because it is freaky. Basicly it is a Sigil cut into his living flesh and then had searing hot Amber with silver pourded into it. The Sigil is a Demon Sigil.

      The reason I choose hideous is that lame or the others didn't quite fit to describe this amber sign on his chest that his flesh only grew enough around to hold it in better. It's not that it is so ugly as it is unnerving to people to see threw the amber and see the seared flesh of his chest below it. It's more a physical handycap than something that would make people gag and run away, just flinch a bit.

      Jasher's Social Stimga comes not only from the Religious cast railing against him in public, and telling people that he carries a demon in him, but also having earned the infamous title of the Avatar of Diviroce. Jealous spouces come to his shack on the outskirts and ask him to spy on their mates to find out if they are cheating. IF they are he gets proof. Usaly summoning a Suthra or two. The rummor on the street is if he stands outside your house than your spouce will be caught cheating on you. If he enters your home, you will divorce in 3 days.

      Scottie or Aaron am correct in assuming there are Suthra similar to house flies, in role and size? Summoning might not seem it but it's the perfect Ritual set for an investigator.
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.
    • Originally posted by HereticalGM
      Yeah she has Enemy and I have let the GM know.

      Sounds like it could get complicated, but if utilized well by the GM, he can REALLY use that to pull you guys through his story and create some tension. ;D

      Originally posted by HereticalGM
      I chose Hideos because it is freaky. Basicly it is a Sigil cut into his living flesh and then had searing hot Amber with silver pourded into it. The Sigil is a Demon Sigil.

      Sounds really messy O-o And depending how thick this amber sigil is, strong muscle and skin movement could probably make it crack, undoing the sigil. :O
      Another way to explain the strength drawback is suppose!
      Watch out for epic fumbles! xD

      The ability to work with amber might come handy to your character, for patching up his sigil if something goes wrong!

      Originally posted by HereticalGM
      It's more a physical handycap than something that would make people gag and run away, just flinch a bit.

      Wouldn't that depend on the person? I can imagine that a dainty little housemaid that catches your character unclothe might faint at the mere sight, or thought of how much pain it's application must have caused.

      Originally posted by HereticalGM
      Jasher's Social Stimga comes not only from the Religious cast railing against him in public, and telling people that he carries a demon in him, but also having earned the infamous title of the Avatar of Diviroce.

      Woah dude, your guy seriously is bad company.
      He will wreck your parties reputation really fast. xD
      Not that that's necessarily a bad thing! I'm anxious what your GM will make of this. ;)

      Is there any chance to see what the rest of your group will play as? :D

      Originally posted by HereticalGM
      Jealous spouces come to his shack on the outskirts and ask him to spy on their mates to find out if they are cheating.

      I can imagine there's been quite a few who seek to destroy him, with him not only contorting with demons, but also spying on people's sexual escapades. It must be a rather hastily build shed, seeing as it would be levelled every other week by frustrated (especially rhino & elephant) husbands who just lost access to a fulfilling secret love affair.

      Originally posted by HereticalGM
      IF they are he gets proof. Usaly summoning a Suthra or two. The rummor on the street is if he stands outside your house than your spouce will be caught cheating on you. If he enters your home, you will divorce in 3 days.

      That's a really cool idea and the concept is a pure classic from mythology and legends.
      However as you said, the religious officals seem to know of this boon/affliction of his, as opposed to it being just as scary story or myth.
      So wouldn't this be a sign that said spouse has been involved with the occult?

      Originally posted by HereticalGM
      Summoning might not seem it but it's the perfect Ritual set for an investigator.

      I always thought that'd be a Seer, since the ability to see into the past and future might give some crucial clues away. ;D
      But I like your application of summoning, it's very creative. I honestly haven't thought about summoning like this at all. xD

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Sherbie ().

    • Originally posted by Sherbie

      Sounds like it could get complicated, but if utilized well by the GM, he can REALLY use that to pull you guys through his story and create some tension. ;D

      True but like a good GM mine has already worked the enemy Demon into the plans of the game. This is going to get scary fast.
      Originally posted by Sherbie
      Sounds really messy O-o And depending how thick this amber sigil is, strong muscle and skin movement could probably make it crack, undoing the sigil. :O
      Another way to explain the strength drawback is suppose!
      Watch out for epic fumbles! xD

      The ability to work with amber might come handy to your character, for patching up his sigil if something goes wrong!.

      Exactly the reason for what it is the way it is. Though I should probably look into that Amber skill...Definatly don't want this one getting out.
      Originally posted by Sherbie

      Wouldn't that depend on the person? I can imagine that a dainty little housemaid that catches your character unclothe might faint at the mere sight, or thought of how much pain it's application must have caused.

      I hadn't thought of that. Good point!

      Originally posted by Sherbie

      Woah dude, your guy seriously is bad company.
      He will wreck your parties reputation really fast. xD
      Not that that's necessarily a bad thing! I'm anxious what your GM will make of this. ;)

      Is there any chance to see what the rest of your group will play as? :D

      Here is what I know so far
      Otter Weapons master who loves to fight way too much.
      Xenophobic Bear with a Short term memory loss who likes to finger paint. Very slow.
      Komodo Commando
      Armidillo with few social problems...A fairly normal person (how did this freak get in here?)

      Originally posted by Sherbie
      I can imagine there's been quite a few who seek to destroy him, with him not only contorting with demons, but also spying on people's sexual escapades. It must be a rather hastily build shed, seeing as it would be levelled every other week by frustrated (especially rhino & elephant) husbands who just lost access to a fulfilling secret love affair.

      Some might think that one of the first jobs he worked on was one involving a cleric attending to more than just the female portion of his flocks spiritual needs ;) Yes his poor little shack does often take a beating and need to be rebuilt.

      Originally posted by Sherbie

      That's a really cool idea and the concept is a pure classic from mythology and legends.
      However as you said, the religious officals seem to know of this boon/affliction of his, as opposed to it being just as scary story or myth.
      So wouldn't this be a sign that said spouse has been involved with the occult?

      Because they know what service he provides to people. The reason he is standing outside of a house is to collect something from his Suthra Agent, like the lovers ring or another article of such evidence.

      When he is entering the house, it is because he's there to collect his payment. The myth told about him, just has the cause and effect reversed. Your spouce was already suspected so you put Jasher on them, which is why he was outside of your house. You will be getting diviorced in three days not because he is entering your house but because that was the earliest day and time you could get, he's just here for the money you owe him.
      Originally posted by Sherbie

      I always thought that'd be a Seer, since the ability to see into the past and future might give some crucial clues away. ;D
      But I like your application of summoning, it's very creative. I honestly haven't thought about summoning like this at all. xD

      Better to be a fly on the wall as they say. While Seeing would duplicate this effect without having to worry about your "bug" being discovered it also though prevents you from brining proof, like the ring, dress, lock of hair that can be used to prove the affair. Otherwise with seeing it's a bit of he said/she said. YOu might be able to Tell the spouce the time and place of their next meeting but still that might be able to be danced around that saying it isn't what you think, and the seer got it all wrong. On the other hand having something that would only be obtainable if his/her lover were to disrobe for the event tends to be hard evidence.

      Earlier you mentioned having the information for the demon, while I am still working her her skills, I do have her demon form 3x5 card done.
      Jez' Re-al The Demon Sorcereress
      Power Pool: 13
      Stamina: 104
      Armor: 8
      Normal Action Dice:
      Walk, Fly, Claw, Sensory Check
      Special Actions:
      Flame burst (area effect)(26), Ice Lance(13)(Target Pinned), Ground Spikes(Area Effect)(10Ground becomes dangerous), Wind blast (push back, 15 Subdue), Magic Rituals (All!)

      In Jasher's mind Jez're-al often takes the form of a female fox Janu dressed in courtisans clothes, when she wishes to "dress casualy" or for when she feels House Dress would be more suitable she dresses in a slinky version of a Vizers Robes. She has 2 sets of wings growing from her back that resembe the wings of a Klin. Her eyes are as green burning pitch set in her sockets. She looks as deadly as she looks alureing.

      When her anger is roused her hands change chape from Janu claws to deadly shreading hooks of a leathal Suthra killer.

      Her Story:
      Jez'Re-al di Val'Sorethsin Was second wife of General Gar'selious Val'Sorethsin and well on her way to becomeing the first wife. She only needed to remove or disgrace her to take her palce. She had a plan ready and in motion when a foolish Klin boy summoned her. You know the rest of the story. Now bound in the flesh of Jasher her Rival has only grown stronger, and no doubt plans to eliminate her the first opertunity she gets. Trapped in this slowly decaying mortal body she is powerless to sniff out her rival's plans.
      If it comes down to the rules or the story; sorry but the rule book just became a paper-weight.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by HereticalGM ().