Star Trek Continues!

    • Star Trek Continues!

      Hey guys! Check this out!

      For those of you who, like me, are fans of Star Trek, and ESPECIALLY those who enjoy the wonderfully-retro nostalgia of the original Star Trek TV series in all its glory (with Kirk, Spock, Scotty, and all the other members of the good ol' original cast), there's a fun new web-series coming out called "Star Trek Continues" that my friend Chris Doohan is working on!…rekContinuesflattened.jpg

      Chris' dad, James Doohan (Scotty, of the original series and films), used to take Chris with him on set, and so, of course Chris has held a torch in his heart for all things Star Trek ever since! Chris is a great guy, and a talented fellow too, and has been involved not only in a few of the earlier Star Trek films, but has also appeared in the Star Trek of 2009, the "New Voyages" TV series in 2012, and it looks like he'll be appearing in the next film too!

      This current web-series Chris is working on, Star Trek Continues, is based on the original Star Trek series, and its enigmatic 5-year voyage. The original series ended three years into the journey. And the creative team Chris is working with is starting this new series right where the original left off. The series is even being shot in the original 4:3 format to keep the authenticity of the framing of the original series.

      I gotta say, having just watched the vignette (see link below) of the beginning of "Happy Birthday Scotty", these guys REALLY nailed the "look and feel" of the old series; the camera angles, the lighting, the props and sets, the sound effects,'s ALL there! Really fun!

      Of course, we shouldn't expect that these newer actors will be perfect clones of the originals (though Chris' adaption of his dad's "Scotty" is delightful, and probably the closest to feeling "right", much like the Sulu character,...good stuff!), but you can tell they're ALL quite passionate about the roles, while trying to capture the subtlety of the characters' traits...(as opposed to going purely for the easy, more iconic/comical aspects we all see on most parodies)...

      You can tell this is not meant to be a parody, but instead a loving continuation of the stories the original series wanted to tell...

      Here' the link to the vignette!

      And if you'd like to check out their site to see more, go here!

      Here's what Chris said when he was talking with me about it...

      "We just finished filming our first episode, which will be premiered at the Phoenix Comic con in May. It's actually a lot of fun, although a bit surreal. I never thought I would be playing Scotty. BTW, I have a small part in Star Trek Into Darkness as well.

      Thanks for spreading the word. Chris"

      Anyway,...check it out, my friends... And here's to many more years of Star Trek!


      Scottie ^^
    • And speaking of Star Trek related coolness,...and because I can now reveal this after having kept it secret for so MANY years,...check out how I was involved in finally getting James Doohan's ashes into space!

      In essence, it was originally kept a secret for fear that there would be negative repercussions from the Russian company who was working with Richard and his dad Owen at the time doing Space Adventures. I was actually involved in contacting Chris Doohan to help arrange it because of a friend of a friend who suggested it was possible to get this done... Wil Wheaton had originally wanted to do it and had his writer friend contact my writer friend to make it happen because he'd heard he knew someone who knew Richard. My friend contacted me about it, and then I contacted Richard to see if he was willing/able to make it happen on such short notice, and the wheels started turning!!!

      Richard was literally about to enter lockdown quarantine before going to the space-station, the ashes barely managed to get to him in time, and I barely got the little memorial parcel-cards designed in time for him to place the ashes in and secret them away with his paltry amount of "personal belongings" he was allowed to take with him. He had to keep it a secret initially because the Russians were VERY superstitious about such things and would never have allowed him to bring the remains aboard.

      The secret was maintained even after he admitted to them what he did later on, because of their potential backlash due to embarrassment of having something like that "pulled over" on them. It was SUCH an emotional rollercoaster to be a part of that...and a secret I kept for a LONG time until just recently, when I was given permission to finally, publicly talk about it by Richard at one of the Shroud of the Avatar speaking events I did online with the fan community.... It was all quite the saga! [Blocked Image:]