griffin Community Assistant
- Member since Sep 1st 2008
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griffin -
Yes... In fact I have many foods which I turn to for comfort.... The first being chocolate! although I love sweets of all kinds.... When it comes to actual dishes one of my absolute favorite things in the world is Black eyed peas, rice and corn bread.... I must say and I am sure Scott will agree the way I make my black eyed peas is better than anything most people have tasted, Scott swore that he hated black eyed peas until I cooked some after which he was hooked.... I have also been known to eat an entire watermelon every week for the entire time the seeded variety are in season.... There are very few things which I do not like however, since I grew up in a large family.... having many mouths to feed makes children less likely to have the luxury of having any favorites.... in other words if it was cooked and on the table it was a favorite compared to the only other option which would have been going to bed hungry.... LOL!!! .... Do you have a favorite food?
I do have favorite foods, and I like to sometimes distinguish 'Comfort Foods' as you may not eat them all the time but you do want them in times of stress, I guess this is more comfort Drink then comfort food but I like a Diet Coke for any reason, it's the one thing I can always count on to soothe me no matter what
griffin -
In that case my comfort food is chocolate cake or chocolate chip cookies!!!!
Yeah...I remember reading a Book called the Sex Life of Food which is a bunch of musings about the aspects of food, on the section on comfort food, the author notes how things that are too sour or too spicy are hard to swallow in times of stress, which I why I take note if people have distinctions of comfort food, like if your favorite in Vindaloo normally but that might be bit much when your upset
griffin -
I can see that, I am sure that culture has a large impact on the flavors we associate with comfort... I have an Indian friend who loves coconut milk and Tumeric when he is upset.
griffin -
Thanks we worked Memorial Day.... Trying our best to speed up the process of making the final book " The World Guide". It is our hope to have it done as soon as possible!
It's been kind of quiet, normally on Tuesdays someone's around to answer any questions on the forum
griffin -
Sorry about that but my computer was affected by some malware and it took a while to get it back out of quarantine... But I am now able to resume my normal schedule of logging on the forum for at least an hour every other night or so... that being said you should not have to wait as long for a response to any of your questions ! By the way I missed chatting with you!
griffin -
If only that were the case!!!! However the reality is a bit more mundane than being able to go on tour, the reality being that now that we have once again achieved forward momentum
griffin -
with respect to this game and the products we want to make available to the fans of our RPG we felt it was best to focus all of our energy and time towards the task of delivering the remaining book in the hopes that it will allow all of you to enjoy the game with the benefit of all the great tools we have ourselves enjoyed using over the past decades...
Um hi, a few days ago I asked the question in the thread about spanking, I wanted to know the species of the juvenile character you were playing and the low caste mentor figure, I've waited fora few days for your answer
griffin -
I answered the question in the feed but maybe something went wrong, so... with apologies for the delay here are the answers you requested... My character was a young Black Jaguar and the mentor was an elderly Porcupine
griffin -
Just talked to Scott Jones the other day and he is literally down to the last 2-3 pieces of fantastic art for the book and then it is off to the printers and a short break before we begin working on the WORLD GUIDE!!!!!
Ineyod -
Any news on games at GenCon this year don't want to miss a chance