A good example of the world of Dardunah

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    • A good example of the world of Dardunah

      I saw AVATAR last night. Decent film. The story was perhaps too simple, but the world was amazing.

      But the best part? It was exactly the way I visualized many aspects of Dardunah. I mean, it was like Cameron was in my head. ;)

      The bioluminescent flora was particularly spot on. In fact, the flora in general, with its colors and shapes and forms was exactly as I had envisioned it for Dardunah. The "floating mountains" were also similar to the floating sky crystal islands in Shard. Cameron did an amazing job of bringing an alien world to life (and it gives me hope for a Shard movie in the future). :)

      The critters were great too, but they needed to be more arthropodic/insectile to have matched Darduni critters. So I guess Cameron didn't get everything right. ;)

      So if you play Shard and were wondering what the world would look like if it were ever brought to the silver screen, go see AVATAR. And if you can, see it on IMAX in 3D. It's worth the price of the ticket for the visuals alone.
