SHARD Combat

Threads pertaining specifically to questions, ideas, and other interests in SHARD’s martial arts-based combat system as well as any other aspects of battle, damage, healing, and related topics within the system.

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Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

Aerial Combat

1 13,581

Scott Jones

If the Spiral Arena was like the WWE

7 15,082

Scott Jones

Life as Valet

7 13,637

Teenage Mutant Sarpah

When Herbivores Fight

9 10,647

Scott Jones

Looking forward to more Martial Arts History

1 +1 6,979

Scott Jones

The art of martial arts can be more complex than you think...

1 3,279


Martial Arts New releases coming soon!!!

0 2,114

About armor

5 8,619


Active Combatant Reaction?

2 3,925

Scott Jones

Reactions: The "Small Initiative"?

3 4,889

Scott Jones

Maneuver Effect List

0 2,442

(Basic MA) Maneuver Location Graph

4 5,612


a question about natural weapons

2 4,370

Scott Jones

combat mechanics

13 10,417

Scott Jones

What Inspires your Combat?

2 3,875

Scott Jones

Determining Combat Actions

3 4,675

Scott Jones

Surprise Attacks / Stealth

1 3,631

Scott Jones

My mods

4 5,647


Damage Calculation: Open Handed vs. Weapons

6 7,021


Weaponry Mechanics

8 9,972


  • Statistics

    32 Threads - 189 Posts (0.05 Posts per Day)