One of my favourites; the Duck's Foot Flintlock Pistol. Essentially a one-handed multi-barreled volley gun that acts as a primitive short range shotgun, firing four (rarely more) barrels at once in a spread:
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A seven-barreled flintlock volley gun (all seven barrels fire at once, so you can imagine the recoil!):
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The Indian jingal (called a t'ai-ch'iang in China). Essentially a heavy, oversized musket with a barrel upto 10' long, firing shot that weighed an average of 1lb. It was crewed by 2-5 men and fired from a rest (usually a tripod or a man's shoulder). While powerful and long-ranged it was slow and cumbersome to use, and fairly inaccurate.
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A seven-barreled flintlock volley gun (all seven barrels fire at once, so you can imagine the recoil!):
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The Indian jingal (called a t'ai-ch'iang in China). Essentially a heavy, oversized musket with a barrel upto 10' long, firing shot that weighed an average of 1lb. It was crewed by 2-5 men and fired from a rest (usually a tripod or a man's shoulder). While powerful and long-ranged it was slow and cumbersome to use, and fairly inaccurate.
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RPG Freelancer: All Flesh Must Be Eaten, A|State, Atlantis: The Second Age, Castles & Crusades, Godlike, Hellas, Hollow Earth Expedition, Iron Kingdoms d20, Omni System, Talislanta, Waste World, Wild Talents, etc.
The post was edited 1 time, last by Colin Chapman ().