That final mile before the finish line!

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    • That final mile before the finish line!

      That last chapter we were waiting for is finally in our hot little hands, and is currently going through its final editing pass between Aaron and myself. Once it goes through final layout (perhaps a day or three at the most from now) we will be racing to complete the book's Index and sizzling it all down into the files we need to give to the printer! We've actually already completed about half of the Index work, so we're set to be done with it on or before the end of this month,...just a dozen days away!!!!!

      As promised,…once the files have been sent to the printer, and the process has begun, we'll go ahead and set up pre-ordering for the first of our products online, with the expectations that they will be physically available and on their way to you within a month and a half from then!

      In the meantime, check out a low-res version of the illustrated front of the folding Gamemaster Screen, one of the three initial products that will be available soon!

      Scottie :D
      • GM_Screen_Work_Flat_Vista_Exterior.jpg

        1.44 MB, 2,520×864, viewed 677 times
    • Thanks Drohem!

      Man,... Aaron and I can't WAIT to see our stuff finally come back from the printer...

      One of the additional things we will be offering is a newly-created world map with all kinds of great new detail for terrain and such... When i get the chance,...I'll throw a sneak peek up of that as well!

      Soon, guys,.....REALLY soon we'll all be able to crack open the real books!

      Scottie ^^
    • Looks Great!

      Hello, I just found out about your product and I must say that I am VERY excited to see more. I manage a game store and I am also an avid gamer / rpg collector. What I have seen is fantastic. I am wondering when the game will be available. I would love to have this in my store.
      Fox Confessor brings the flood...
    • RE: Looks Great!

      Greetings Fox Confessor!

      Welcome to the forum!

      If all goes according to plan, we'll have product ready for distribution by the end of June through Studio 2 Publishing! Plus we'll be attending conventions like Origins, Gen Con, and Dragon Con with actual product to sell in our hot little hands!

      Our product for this first publish run will be:
      ...The Basic Compendium (core rules and fiction)
      ...a Convenience Pack (multiple data sheets, character sheets, and other fun playing aids that you'd rather not have to tear out of the book)
      ...the Gamemaster Screen (an artful, table-laden divider between the crafty GM and players)
      ...and finally, a World Map (chock full of even more beautiful detail than the simple map contained either in the basic book OR the Convenience Pack)...

      In addition, if a deal goes well with a company called Crystal Caste, we should also be able to offer their new colorful, translucent, specially-shaped "crystal" 6-siders as a mixed-color set of 12 in a little clear bag exclusively for SHARD sometime around June or July!

      Please stay tuned for even more info as the date approaches, and feel free to download our Welcome Booklet (under THE GAME) to get a taste of what the system is like, read over the basics of our rules for combat and magic, and check out an introductory adventure with 6 pre-generated characters!

      Thanks again for your interest in our products! It's always great to hear from retailers... We trust you guys to have your finger on the pulse of your local gaming community!

      Scottie ^^
    • Again, I am very excited to see more. Thanks for responding so quickly. I am interested to see the mechanics, but more-so just to see what you have done setting-wise with this awesome concept.

      I am just glad to see people still coming up with inventive game ideas.
      Fox Confessor brings the flood...
    • Hey Drohem!

      Everything seems good except the printing process itself... Our printer is having some kind of issue, and are apparently running several weeks late... If they are unable to get us our product soon, we may have to delay our late June ship date, and might even have to miss the Origins convention (having no product to sell there)...

      If all else fails we may have to switch printers, which will still unfortunately cause a delay and cost us a bit more money, but will at least let us move forward with more confidence.

      We are waiting for quotes from the new place to compare and contrast, while also waiting for word from the printer we are currently trying to deal with.

      Please keep your fingers crossed for us...

      Scottie ^^
    • Ouch, that sounds rough. Hopefully the quotes from the new publisher won't be too bad.

      I figured that I would come out of lurking to say that my group and I are still looking forward to Shard being released, and we're sure it will be worth the extra wait. As stressful as the delays are, just remember that we're all still excited and waiting for the release!
    • Thanks for the support guys!

      We finally heard back from our initial printer yesterday, and we were assured that our printing is underway with everything being complete except the books, for which the proofs are being made now, and which we will hopefully see by Monday or Tuesday...

      They also claim that we should expect to see all the product we need for the upcoming Origins trade show, which we were worried about, delivered right to the hotel for us... Thank goodness!

      If they come through as promised, then we're still on schedule, and we won't need to switch printers afterall...


      Scottie ^^
    • When, when, WHEN!??!

      How soon till the Magic and Martial Arts book and the World Guide are available? GM's NEEEEEED that World Guide! And other Wuxia badasses like myself need that Magic and Martial Arts book like Sunborn needs a Sword! Hurry, hurry, HURRY!!!
      "Daggra" means "Enemy" in Tibetan.
      "Chora" means "Thief" in Sanskrit.
    • RE: When, when, WHEN!??!

      Aaron and I have been discussing this recently (knowing that we won't really have time to continue editing them till after the main convention circuit is over in September), and even now we are trying to figure out just how we are going to approach these editing passes,...and exactly what material we will be including (especially some cool extra stuff we're thinking about adding to both)...

      At this point,...we assume that the Magic and Martial Arts book will come out first,...with the World Guide following it...

      All of this may not get finished within a year, however,...these things take time to edit properly,...and we're both exhausted... But believe me,...we're already on it,...and looking forward to getting more good SHARD stuff into everyone's hands ASAP!

      And in recent news,...our products got to us in time for the show,...and they sold like hot-cakes,...especially at Anthrocon,...where we sold out the remaining half of what we got (of the core rules) in merely a day and a half!

      Scottie ^^
    • Originally posted by Thlaylie
      So.. Is there any way I can get a copy of the products that sold at Anthrocon? If so, where?

      Hello there Thlaylie!

      The products we had at Anthrocon, including the main rulebook called the Basic Compendium which sold out while we were there, can currently be preordered at our publisher's online store; Studio 2

      We hope to have the preorder information for the World Map and the sets of Crystal Dice there soon as well. The Art of Shard book, however, is currently available only at conventions or directly through us...

      However, what you saw us selling at Anthrocon were the books sent as an early shipment of as much as we could get our printers to send directly to us at our hotel prior to the most recent two conventions... These were truly the "early bird specials" so to speak... The rest of the shipment should be on its way soon, but takes awhile to get to the publisher's warehouse (a month or more), so anything you preorder now could take 6-8 weeks to get to you.

      Once you preorder, the good folks at Studio 2 will do their best to send your products to you as quickly as they get them delivered at their warehouse...

      Hopefully this tells ya what you need to know...

      Please let us know if you have any other questions.

      Scottie ^^