Hey gang,
I've found players have problems tracking their Initiative and Actions in combat. True they could use the combat tracker form but players usually ignore this viewing it as another form of paperwork. This isn't Starfleet Battles or Car Wars after all.
So how'bout a little crafting?
Attached you'll find a simple two dial tracker. Assembly should be pretty easy, you'll need:
computer printer
razor knife
thumb tack
two brass brads or grommets
straight edge
1. Print the tracker on cardstock
2. Cut out the tracker with the razor knife
3. Cut out the dials cutting inside the lines so they easily fit inside the folded tracker.
4. Carefully remove the small windows in gray
5. Carefully fold the tracker in half along the line, using the straight edge as a guide
6. Use a thumb tack to poke holes in the dials and the small gray circles on the tracker.
7. Push the brass brads through the hole in the tracker
If you don't want to have the brads sticking through the whole tracker only poke through the top and use glue to keep the folded tracker together.
I have a small laminator so prior to any assembly I laminate the whole sheet. After making the cuts I then run each piece through the laminator again to ensure the plastic melts a little around the edges of the exposed cardstock.
Maybe we can con Scottie into working his layout magic and actually putting the Shard logo and fonts on the tracker and maybe make it look a like the interior of the Shard book.
I've found players have problems tracking their Initiative and Actions in combat. True they could use the combat tracker form but players usually ignore this viewing it as another form of paperwork. This isn't Starfleet Battles or Car Wars after all.
So how'bout a little crafting?
Attached you'll find a simple two dial tracker. Assembly should be pretty easy, you'll need:
computer printer
razor knife
thumb tack
two brass brads or grommets
straight edge
1. Print the tracker on cardstock
2. Cut out the tracker with the razor knife
3. Cut out the dials cutting inside the lines so they easily fit inside the folded tracker.
4. Carefully remove the small windows in gray
5. Carefully fold the tracker in half along the line, using the straight edge as a guide
6. Use a thumb tack to poke holes in the dials and the small gray circles on the tracker.
7. Push the brass brads through the hole in the tracker
If you don't want to have the brads sticking through the whole tracker only poke through the top and use glue to keep the folded tracker together.
I have a small laminator so prior to any assembly I laminate the whole sheet. After making the cuts I then run each piece through the laminator again to ensure the plastic melts a little around the edges of the exposed cardstock.
Maybe we can con Scottie into working his layout magic and actually putting the Shard logo and fonts on the tracker and maybe make it look a like the interior of the Shard book.
The post was edited 2 times, last by ReaperWolf ().